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Tapeworms used for weight loss - flatworms used for weight loss

01-02-2017 à 13:37:16
Tapeworms used for weight loss
Because humans are also made of water, the Moon Connection website claims fasting during either a full or new moon can cleanse your body of water weight and toxins at a more accelerated pace -- up to six pounds in a single day. What if you were to sedate yourself into skipping a bunch of meals. This is vitally important because some cows may host pig tapeworms, which are very dangerous. Although it is not possible to attempt the tapeworm diet in most countries, it is being offered at some places in Mexico. All you have to do is drug yourself unconscious until you wake up thinner days later. The tapeworm interferes with your digestion and absorption of nutrients, which means that you can consume more calories and still lose weight. When you arrive at the treatment location you are given beef tapeworm cysts that have been identified microscopically. However, the parasite also competes for vitamins and other important nutrients, which may result in a nutritional deficiency. Said tapeworm is then excreted with the aid of an anti-parasite pill. Treatment is expensive and will also need to include travel expenses. According to some scientists, tapeworm infestation can result in a loss of one to two pounds per week. Added potential side effects may include diarrhea, fatigue, constipation and nausea. Not for the squeamish, this fad has reportedly been around since the dawn of the 20th century.

These nine fad diets of yesterday and today range from the doable to the extreme. Dating as far back as the 1930s, this fad diet still retains some level of popularity. Reportedly, celebrity fitness guru Tracy Anderson touted this fad diet to her ultra-famous clientele. Once the target weight loss is reached, a deworming agent is given, which kills the tapeworm so it can be expelled. Does not appear to be adequate protection for consumers in regard to regulation and safety analysis. The formation of cysts in the liver, eyes, brain, and spinal cord with potentially lethal consequences. Mind you, tapeworms can get pretty damn huge -- as long as 30 feet -- and can cause a whole mess of health issues, like diarrhea, vomiting, headaches and even epilepsy. Tapeworms can cause a swollen stomach which is not physically attractive and goes against the desired result. Some scientists believe that tapeworms can also help to alleviate allergies such as hay fever. Remember: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is, and it could even be harmful. Rebound weight gain is most likely once the tapeworm is expelled. The concept behind this diet is that water weight ebbs and flows like the tide. It is undeniable that people will resort to extreme measures in a desperate attempt to shed those extra pounds, but ingesting tapeworms in order to lose weight is not only a radical fad diet method but also an extremely dangerous one. Thankfully the use of tapeworms as a diet aid is illegal in the US and for good reason. Extremely dangerous, can cause unpleasant side effects and in some cases can be lethal. This age-old fad diet took simplicity to the extreme, pairing down what you could eat to a few food groups to total less than 1,000 calories a day.

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